
Convince Your Teen to Go to Treatment


1. They need to know it’s not punishment

Parents need to emphasize that their teen doesn’t need to get mental health or substance abuse treatment because they’re getting punished. Rather, they have to go because they need help and their life is unmanageable the way they are currently living. To get this message across accurately, don’t bring up the issue of teen treatment when you’re upset at your child. Stay calm and logical.

Approaches to consider when being with adolescents:


1. Don’t speak in teen jargon.

Hip, cool, crunk, sick, ace, fly, phat, tight. By the time you discover these words, they are already out of fashion. And if you come across one in UrbanDictionary.com that is timely, you might freak a teen out a little. Yes, it’s tempting to use teen words ironically for humorous effect. But if you get more eye rolls than normal, stick to the words you know. It may be funny only to you.

2. Be honest.

Breathing Exercises for Your Child...and for Adults too:)


Flower Breaths:

Provide your child a fragrant, colorful flower and tell him to breathe in through the nose and breathe out through the mouth. Flower breaths help release tension. Offer a flower like daffodils, daisies, and roses.

Hissing Breaths:

Hissing breaths help with physical and mental relaxation. Teach your child to breathe in through the nose. Make him inhale a deep breath, and then ask him to exhale through the mouth, while making a hissing sound like a snake. Prolonging the exhalation will help with relaxation.