Imago Dialogue: Communicating Empathy


Imago Dialogue: The Basic Steps

Who doesn’t need better communication?

In the Imago Dialogue both parties agree to a basic ground rule: to talk one person at-a-time. This gives you a person who is speaking, we say “sending”, and another who is listening, or “receiving." It is when you are in the role of the Receiver that you will be doing the three main steps of Dialogue.

Dialogue:  The Three Main Steps

There are 3 main steps to the Imago Dialogue:

• Mirroring
• Validation
• Empathy

Let’s take them one at a time. 

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)


ERP is a type of behavioral therapy that exposes people to situations that provoke their obsessions and the resulting distress while helping them prevent their compulsive responses. The ultimate goal of ERP is to free people from the cycle of obsessions and compulsions o they can live better.

Reducing Anxiety: The Light Stream Technique


The first part of the light stream technique is to be mindful of what you are experiencing and feeling at that moment. Ask yourself what emotions am I feeling right now, and where do I feel it in my body?

 The second step is to imagine that those feelings are an object. The goal is to take the first thing that comes to mind after recognizing the emotions, and location. Mentally ask yourself these questions about the object:

Convince Your Teen to Go to Treatment


1. They need to know it’s not punishment

Parents need to emphasize that their teen doesn’t need to get mental health or substance abuse treatment because they’re getting punished. Rather, they have to go because they need help and their life is unmanageable the way they are currently living. To get this message across accurately, don’t bring up the issue of teen treatment when you’re upset at your child. Stay calm and logical.



Am I Struggling with Anxiety?

  • Have you been consumed by excessive worrying?
  • Are you feeling agitated, short-tempered, irritable, or quick to anger, and frustrated as to why you are feeling so out-of-character?
  • Have you been feeling restless while at the same time unexplainably tired?
  • Has it been difficult to stay on task or complete daily tasks that used to come easy?

You may even be experiencing physical symptoms, such as GI issues, headaches, chronic fatigue, or brain fog.

TIPP Skill


When experiencing intense negative emotions, it’s not uncommon to feel like “this will never end” or “this will last forever.”  It’s not surprising that when in this distressed state of being, one might resort to the use of unhealthy coping mechanisms (like binge eating, use of illicit drugs, self-harm) in an effort to self-soothe.