Mental Health Check-In

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Mental Health Check-In

Taken from “Psychology Today”January/February 2020 Issue

Although an annual psychological check up may not be feasible for everyone in the current healthcare system, you can still feel empowered to explore your mental well-being.  

The self reflective questions below are not an official diagnostic tool and in no way substitutes for a professional assessment or treatment. Rather, considering the wide ranging set of questions can provide a framework in which to take inventory of your inner life, providing the opportunity to probe, reflect, and grow.

  1. Mood. I have days when I feel down, but over the past year, I have not experienced a period of depressed mood that lasted longer than two weeks or negatively affected my work relationships. There’s enough going on in my life to keep me absorbed, and I have interests or hobbies I engage in regularly.

  2. Relationships. I have people who care about me and people whom I care about and can depend on. I express my love to the people closest to me. I have at least one person with whom I feel I can share my most personal thoughts and feelings. If I have a significant other, we enjoy each other’s company far more than we argue or disagree.

  3. Professional and Financial Stability. I feel like a contributing member of society.  I either engage in full time work, provide for children, or am retired but remain active.  I find my work interesting enough and reasonably fulfilling. My workplace is not physically or emotionally toxic.  I do not have excessive debt, or if I do, I am following a plan to pay it off. I neither feel panicked about finances nor spend money recklessly.

  4. Substance Use. I believe my alcohol or drug use is under my control, and others in my life would agree. In the past year, my drinking or drug use hasn’t increased significantly nor have I tried to cut down but failed. I haven’t suffered any negative repercussions, such as arrests, work absences, injuries, or relationship conflicts from substance use in the past year.

  5. Temper. My temper is usually under control. I don’t use physical aggression to intimidate others.  People don’t often tell me to calm down or think of me as hot-headed. I don’t hold grudges or plot revenge against those who have wronged me.  I don’t feel as if people are out to get me.  

  6. Physical Health. My health is adequate. I have had a physical with blood work in the past year, I follow my doctor’s advice, and I take medications as prescribed. I walk at least 30  minutes a day, four days a week. I mostly eat food that is healthy and limit junk food. I don’t binge or unduly restrict my intake. I do not suffer from symptoms for which doctors cannot find a cause.  

  7. Sleep. I do not have difficulty falling or staying asleep, and I get at least 7 hours more nights than not. I sleep fairly regular hours given the requirements of my job or childcare responsibilities and don’t have frequent nightmares.

  8. Self-Care. I am able to relax and take it easy. I know family and friends are generally more important than work, and my actions reflect that. I take an hour a day to relax and do things I enjoy. I spend a full day not working at least once a week.

  9. Purpose. I feel as if there must be some sort of purpose to my life, even if I am not sure what it might be. I am not frightened about the future or tortured by the past.  I am able to enjoy being with people and doing things in the moment, and I notice beauty in the world.

  10. Goals. I don’t feel as if time is running out to do the things I want to do.  If I want to, but haven’t yet committed to a life partner, had children, or launched a career, I feel these goals are within my reach. I do my best to be a good partner, parent, and/or child.

  11. Suicidality. I am glad to be alive more days that not. In the past year, I have not had more than a fleeting thought about suicide. I know there are people who care about me and that they and others would be worse off without me. I look forward to certain experiences and want to keep experiencing them.