Asking for help is not a sign of weakness

“I am beyond overwhelmed and burnt out. How do I even start to ask for what I need?”

"I am happy one minute and mad the next. Is there something wrong with me?” 

"My thoughts are all over the place and I can't sleep. How can I find some relief?" 

Asking for help can be difficult. If you're here, you're probably searching for something to be different in your life or your loved one's life. Whether it be the “2 am worries” about your child, noticing symptoms of OCD and/or anxiety, a personal conflict within, or trauma reminders, the strain of it all can be overwhelming, causing a mix of emotions...loneliness, sadness, worry, fear, and shame.   

You may not know exactly where to go for help, who the best person would be to talk to, or what to expect from therapy. These are normal questions and concerns. I want to assure are in the right place. I would like nothing more than to provide a space where you feel acknowledged, heard, and supported in order to find some sense of relief. 

Connecting with me can provide a unique opportunity to build stronger, healthier relationships, work through past hurts and traumas, address your fears, voice your deepest aspirations, and discover unknown parts of yourself. You are not alone. 



Why do I want to work with young people?

  • Because their humor, energy, and resiliency is astounding.

  • Because they are brimming with untapped potential and sometimes it takes just one person to bring that out. 

  • Because I want the world to see young people for who they are rather than the label we put on them. 

  • Because of their authenticity. Some of the funniest, deepest and most meaningful conversations I have had were with adolescents.

  • Most of all, because I want to give them a voice. I want them to feel that their voice matters and that having their say can make a difference. I want their stories to be told.  

About Courtney

Trauma Recovery

Psychological trauma occurs as the result of an extraordinarily stressful event that diminishes or destroys your sense of security and involves a threat to life or safety. Traumatic experiences exceed your ability to cope, and your ability to integrate emotions involved with the experience. Your unique ability to heal from trauma depends on many factors including your beliefs and perceptions, your level of coping and resiliency, your connection to supportive others, and even your psychological functioning before the event. Whether the trauma happened years ago or yesterday, you can make healing changes and move forward with your life. 


Recovery is Possible

You are more than your addiction. I understand how hard it is to seek treatment for addiction and to explore the emotions and behaviors behind your use.  You and your loved ones want you backTogether, we can begin to change your story and your life...Recovery is possible.  

Feelings are Feedback

Many of us avoid feeling our feelings because we worry that we will break or fall apart, or that feeling them will be more painful than just pretending they don’t exist. When we don't (w)allow in our emotional pain, we are avoiding a very important and needed message. I will teach you how to acknowledge your feelings, manage and tolerate them, and how to find more ease with them.